Diagnostic imaging method based on the use of a mobile X-ray source. After acquiring the images obtained from different positions of the source in relation to the patient, the information is processed by computer, resulting in a more accurate reconstruction than that obtained by simple radiographs. In more modern devices, it is also possible to perform a three-dimensional reconstruction of the images. In addition, the latest equipment employs a technique called helical tomography, capable of producing even more detailed images than conventional tomography.

In some cases, the CT scan may require an intravenous injection of a substance, called contrast, used to enhance blood vessels and structures with a large blood supply. The CT scan is painless, but the contrast injection can cause a feeling of heat. In people with hypersensitivity, there may be an allergic reaction to the contrast.

There is yet another different type of tomography called positron emission tomography, also known as PET scan.

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