Movement for Life

Cancer prevention campaigns

Discover the campaigns of Grupo Oncoclínicas that warn about prevention, diagnosis, control and treatment against cancer.
Care needs to happen from November to November

Care needs to happen from November to November

Discover and participate in the Prostate Cancer Awareness Campaign - Blue November

Cancer awareness campaigns

Cancer is a disease that arises from an alteration in the DNA of a cell, which begins to receive the wrong activity instructions and to multiply uncontrollably, forming one or more tumors. This process can be slow or fast and can affect any organ or part of the body. It is currently the world’s leading public health problem and is among the top four causes of death before age 70 (considered “premature death”) in most countries.

According to the most recent global estimate, carried out in 2018, 18 million new cases of cancer and 9.6 million deaths occurred in the world that year. The incidence is 15% higher in men (204.7 per 100,000) than in women (175.6 per 100,000). For Brazil, the estimate for each year of the triennium 2020-2022 is 625 thousand new cases of cancer, with non-melanoma skin cancer being the most incident, followed by breast and prostate, colon and rectum, lung and stomach cancers.

These numbers are relevant because information is a powerful weapon in the battle against disease. The data collected around the world give our team subsidies to monitor and organize actions for cancer control and awareness.

It is part of our mission, through the Oncoclínicas Institute, to carry out campaigns aimed both at prevention (for those who do not have the disease) and at promoting the quality of life and well-being of cancer patients.

It is worth noting that many types of cancer currently have a chance of cure, and the main success factor for treatment is early diagnosis, followed by immediate treatment. That’s why we reinforce in the campaigns, which are developed by our clinical staff, the importance of carrying out screening tests and paying attention to life habits (which can increase or decrease the risk of developing the disease), the presence of syndromes in the family ( which may be risk factors) and heredity (cases of cancer in the family).

Watch our lives

Our doctors and specialists participate in lives explaining the importance of prevention campaigns and answering questions from participants.