
Fighting cancer

The Cancer Fight campaign aims to inform and raise awareness about environmental factors and lifestyle habits that can prevent cancer.
Fighting cancer

Most cases of cancer – 85% of them – are related to environmental factors and lifestyle habits, such as diet, physical activity, physical inactivity, smoking and unprotected exposure to the sun. It is extremely important to constantly highlight to society the importance of paying attention to these aspects to prevent the development of the disease and also to improve the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing treatment.

In initiatives always carried out by its clinical staff, the Oncoclínicas Institute focuses its efforts on general awareness of cancer and ways to prevent the disease in the month of April, since on 4/8 the World Day Against Cancer is celebrated. In addition, throughout the year, it conducts campaigns focused on the most common types of cancer in the country, such as breast, skin and prostate cancer. These actions constitute the Movement for Life.

Our intention is to bring to the greatest number of people everything related to cancer: characteristics, symptoms, importance of early diagnosis, forms of prevention. And provide patients undergoing treatment with information on how to improve their quality of life by adopting practices that reduce the side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, for example. Broadly speaking, the focus is on the person as a whole and on the promotion of health, well-being and knowledge on all fronts related to cancer.

Through the Movimento Pela Vida campaign, the Oncoclínicas Institute makes the Habit Tracker tool available to the public. In it, it is possible to monitor attitudes that improve physical and mental health until they become habits. A healthier diet, the practice of physical activity, the reduction of cigarette consumption, more time to read daily and what else you can do well.

Recent campaigns

Check out the latest World Cancer Day campaigns carried out by Grupo Oncoclínicas.

The best is to live well

The 2021 campaign made a general alert about cancer and ways to prevent the disease in April, as World Cancer Day is celebrated on 04/8. The intention was to draw attention to characteristics, symptoms, importance of early diagnosis and forms of prevention.

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Fighting cancer 2021

The best tip is to live well

In times of a pandemic it is even more important to take care of the body and mind. After all, 80% to 90% of cancer cases are associated with habits and lifestyles. The 2020 campaign focused on offering tips designed by our doctors for living well.

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Color is life – Eat healthy

In 2019, our approach focused on the issue of healthy eating, building the campaign concept around this theme. That’s why we developed the concept: Color is life – Eat healthy. For the identity of the pieces, we explored the colors of the food to talk about the benefit of each one of them for a healthy diet.

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Believe me: having a healthy life fights cancer

Through photographs, the campaign focused on three axes in relation to quality of life: physical exercise, healthy eating and mental health.

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Fighting cancer 2020
All about cancer

All about cancer

There are several types of cancer cataloged. Some are more common in the general population, while others are more common in certain regions. Know the most common types of cancer.
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